A play by Moira Buffini, directed by Lisa-Jane Ray

Performed 23-25 October 2019, Merstham Village Hall

Paige is holding a dinner party in honour of her husband Lars whose new book has just been published. The guests all hold something in common; they are shallow upper-class snobs whose hollow lives start to unravel over the evening’s entertainment, perfectly & purposefully orchestrated by Paige.
Paige’s plan is somewhat foiled by the arrival of an unexpected guest ‘Mike’ (a working-class van driver) but that doesn’t stop her dishing their desserts in a surprising turn of events at the end of the evening.


PaigeJackie Curran
LarsTom Howland
WynneJo Ord
HalTom Last
SianNitty Scott
MikeBradley Barlow
The WaiterGreg Field
PromptJane Hall
PropertiesRose McDonald, Ann Weaver
Sound & LightingStephen Tickell
Stage ManagerAnn Weaver
Publicity & ProgrammeDiana Drysdale
Box OfficePeter Drysdale