MADS has been staging a variety of drama productions in the village hall since 1930. As a small society drawn from a wide area around Merstham, we always welcome anyone interested in performing, directing, backstage or front-of-house roles. In recent years we’ve usually staged at least one full-length play each year in October, and a one-act play or other entertainment in the Spring.
Southern Counties Drama Festival
MADS is performing the one-act play Baggage by Bev Clark in the Southern Counties Drama Festival at the Barn Theatre, 21 February. Sandra (Nicky Gill) faints at a bus-stop and bag-lady Annie (Imelda Smith) tries to help her. After realizing that Annie isn’t trying to rob her, Sandra talks about her frustration with a demanding family. But gradually Annie reveals the depths of her tragic past and Sandra discovers her own problems are comparatively minor. Directed by Berny Burke, presented by arrangement with Stagescripts

Book now for Joined

Tickets are now available for Joined, a play by Les Clarke which is directed by Steve Jones. Nursing her mother for 20 years left Kath very little time for affairs of the heart. Now living alone in the family home, she feels life has passed her by – until there comes a knock on her door…
Tickets are £12, with free seating (including tables). Book online with the ticketsource link below, or phone Diana (01883 742708) who will provide instructions on how to pay. Presented by arrangement with Stagescripts Ltd.

Let Us Entertain You, 24 MARCH ONLY

As there has been limited take-up for 23 March and we needed to give enough notice to the Fish&Chip shop, we’ve regretfully had to cancel the Thursday performance. Friday is now nearly full, but there may be one or two seats still available – phone Diana 01883 742708

Everyone at MADS who knew Ann Weaver was shocked by her sudden passing at Christmas 2022. As Treasurer, Chair, tireless backstage and front-of-house organizer, and loyal member for many years, Ann was a driving force in MADS, always encouraging and persuading and making us laugh. We send love and sympathy to her family
There will be a memorial service at Surrey and Sussex Crematorium, 4.30pm on Mon 23 January, followed by a celebration of her life at the Feathers pub, Merstham
Review of Entertaining Angels

Thanks to all who supported our production of Entertaining Angels. Ticket sales were excellent on all three nights, with Thurs/Fri nearly sold out, and many positive comments were received.
The play was reviewed by John Harries-Rees
MADS 90th Anniversary
Thanks to guest speaker Nicholas Owen, musical duo Vintage Tea and all who supported our anniversary tea party, which was a great success